Explore GB in Brighton - Russian Interpreting job

Two years ago I was invited to interpret at the Explore GB show in Ascot. That job was brilliant. I had a chance to see the famous racecourse and meet many interesting people whilst getting to know my other colleagues, the Russian interpreters.

This year the Explore GB show was in Brighton and the UK was showcasing the best of Britain again. A lot of tour operators came from Russia and luckily for me and my colleague two of them couldn’t speak English, hence we were asked to provide Russian interpreting services again! The event was well organised, and the two days were jam-packed with appointments and meetings, and I was pleased to have another opportunity to learn about the places I didn't know existed in the UK. I had a great client - a tour operator company from Ekaterinburg, represented by their general manager. We got on really well which is always very important for me as an interpreter. During the 2-day event I managed to show her a bit of Brighton as well – the Lanes and the seaside. For once I didn't have to travel too far for my interpreting job!   

He did look real!  - my Interpreting job at Explore GB in Brighton

He did look real!  - my Interpreting job at Explore GB in Brighton

Russian English Interpreter Irina Hood. London UK

Russian English Interpreter Irina Hood. London UK