English to Russian Translation Services

Precise high quality translation guaranteed. Your translation will be carried out as a mirror image of the original document

As a professional English - Russian translator I accept jobs in areas in which I am very confident. I have significant translation experience in the fields of business and commerce, insurance, legal and banking/finance, agriculture and food processing, art, tourism documents, private correspondence, business emails and others.

I will be equally happy to assist if you need a small private letter or a large corporate multipage document translated. I work in the following formats: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, XML.

To ensure an accurate professional Russian translation of the highest standard I always research the subject and when necessary liaise with my clients. I always deliver translated materials on time and ask for feedback.

I pledge to maintain the utmost confidentiality and respect for my clients’ documents at all times.


Translated documents

Company Profiles
Foundation Agreements
Bank Investment Portfolio
Bank Marketing Surveys
Bank Strategies
Business Plans
Financial Information Memorandum


Customs Declarations
International Food Company Newsletters
Aviation Company Newsletters
Retail Advertising Campaign
Point-of Sale Materials


Code of Practice for Road Haulage
Health & Safety Manuals
EU Tender Documentation
Terms of Reference
Teachers’ Newspaper Articles
Certificates of Birth, Marriage, Divorce


Museum Websites
Trade Catalogues
Property Sales Agreements
Bank Statements
Art Gallery Catalogues